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Kun data on järjestetty oikein ja järjestelmiä käytetään
järkevästi, koko organisaatio näkee koko ajan,
mitä markkinoinnissa ja myynnissä tapahtuu.

Efficiency and results through data-driven management

Efficiency and results through data-driven management

How to manage a company in the digital era in the most effective, profitable way? We see it like this: Take advantage of client, sales and marketing data on a one transparent, easy to use platform.

When the data is organized properly and systems are being used to their full potential, everyone can see what is happening in marketing, sales and customer service. This allows us to find bottlenecks and also causes and effects - and to learn together.

Transparency and agility by breaking down silos

Transparency enables the development of agile operations that flattens the hierarchy and breaks silos. Managing people is much easier when information is transparent and available for everyone. The management has a general business overview but they can dig into more in-depth information faster and take corrective actions immediately, if necessary. The agility and flexibility of the organization improve.

Financial  management has always been based on figures and data - this should be the case in all units.

Managing marketing management

Managing the marketing management

The management  needs to understand the full potential of marketing  and how it can provide a competitive advantage.


Marketing should always be systematic and analytical, make use of collected data and be aligned to the company's strategic goals - and management should invest on software that enables all this.

When everyone in the company is on board and committed to support data driven marketing, the strategic and operational goals will be achieved and management's expectations fulfilled. 

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Read our CEO's interview on MarTech Outlook

"Every client has their own need, and based these needs, Vipu builds the perfect, personalised HubSpot platform and cements it with its three pillars of success – people, technology, and business goals." - Jussi Liimatainen

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Vipu MarTech Outlook

Would you like to discuss data-driven management?

Schedule a suitable time in my calendar, Jussi Liimatainen, Managing Director/Vipu


Managing the sales management

The sales management team is usually extremely busy and under a heavy workload. Sales require communication with clients, working on offers takes time and practical issues must be prioritized to resolve. Sales development is easily neglected, and the sales management team is often left alone without support from the other management. 

Technology as a supportive sales tool helps manage the sales more efficiently and allows the team to focus more time on actual client work and other tasks that require the team's presence or input. 

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Managing Sales Management
Johdon käyttöönoto

Fundamental implementations for data-driven management

To be able to make validated business decisions, all data should be utilized to find cause and effect relations. Management should observe the ongoing business development and find solutions to improve the productivity of operations.

Dashboards can be used in management to form real-time image of operational development and make monitoring easier in the future, as the reports are available 24/7.

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Management technologies

Discovering new, more productive practices and being able to make informed decisions lead to business success. 

Vipu's experts merge data into the core of your company's management, allowing the management to take full advantage of it by making smart decisions. With data, you can find best practices and scale them to boost business operations.

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Management Technologies
Management Training

Management training

We train the management to understand the opportunities of digitalization and bring the best-proven practices into the contexts of the company and its line of business. Organizing marketing correctly, we benefit from data and business grows more profitable.

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