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Expert services

Näemme markkinoinnin ja myynnin kokonaishallinnan
yhtenä kokonaisuutena, jonka kehittäminen edellyttää
jaettua ja yhteistä ymmärrystä. Kun data on järjestetty
oikein ja järjestelmiä käytetään järkevästi, koko
organisaatio näkee koko ajan, mitä markkinoinnissa
ja myynnissä tapahtuu.

Group 567

Together we can achieve more

The bridges built between marketing, sales and management with the help of our skilled experts enable a common, shared vision of the current state and the future of marketing and sales. Unlock the growth potential of your company by enhancing the cooperation between marketing and sales. Data-driven decisions can optimize processes and present the cause and effect of choices in an easily understandable form.

Overall management of marketing and sales processes using data

Sales growth can be expedited by utilizing data from marketing. This also enables the targeting of marketing actions to focus on measurable activities that generate added value for sales. We see the overall management of marketing and sales as a single entity, which requires a shared, mutual understanding to be developed.

Markkinoinnin asiantuntijapalvelut


The successful development of marketing requires the ability to demonstrate the cause and effect of marketing actions. Data leverage and data-driven management produce more profitable marketing.

Having reorganized marketing in a modern way to utilize collected data, you can discover the cause and effect between actions and results and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Our experts draw on their deep, extensive know-how to take your marketing to the next level.

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Sales in the digital era requires the support of data, tools and marketing actions. Organizing sales and marketing into a single entity allows the sales team to focus on what it does best: working with customers and closing deals.

In our model, the marketing team takes care of the tasks near the start of the sales funnel: looking for prospects, collecting and nurturing leads and growing interest among customers. It is up to the sales team to identify the most potential leads, convert the leads into deals and boost and grow sales. The experts at Vipu can help your company combine sales and marketing and play a winning game as a team.

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Johtamisen asiantuntijapalvelut


How can you manage a company in the digital era in the most effective, profitable way? Our answer to this is that you need to leverage customer, sales and marketing data. When your data is organized properly and systems are used sensibly, the entire organization can always see what is happening in marketing and sales. This enables the discovery of cause and effect and mutual learning.

Transparency enables the development of agile operations where silo and task boundaries become less important. It is easier to lead people when information is available to everyone. The management can delve into more in-depth information quickly and easily, and take corrective action rapidly. Agility and flexibility are improved.

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